136 research outputs found

    An optimization model for selecting a product family and designing its supply chain

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    International audienceWhen designing a new family of products, designers and manufacturers must define the product family and its supply chain simultaneously. At the very first step of the design process, designers propose various solutions for the set of variants of a product family and their bill-of-materials. The second step is to select some of these variants while choosing the architecture of the supply chain. A mixed integer linear programming model is investigated that optimizes the operating cost of the resulting supply chain while choosing the product variants. This work is applied to the problem of an automotive supplier

    Mass customization, configuration and manufacturing

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    International audienceMass customization has become a main issue for many companies fighting on a world market. In order to define the customized product that fit each customer need, these companies use configuration software called configurators. Most of these configurators, mainly based on artificial intelligence techniques, are just interested in the product definition without addressing relevant manufacturing problems. The goal of this communication is to show that the same kinds of computer techniques can be used to define customized assembly operations and manufacturing routings

    Vendor Managed inventory, from concept to processes, for an unified view

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    International audienceIn a supplier-customer relationship, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is currently used to monitor the customer's inventory replenishment. However the integration of VMI implies consequences on the collaboration process that links the different planning processes of each partner. This paper proposes a unified view of the VMI: beyond the short term pull system inventory replenishment, partners have to share their vision of the demand, their requirements and their constraints to fix middle/long term common objectives for each article concerned by VMI. There are many ways to specify these links between VMI and partner's planning processes

    The VESP Model: A Conceptual Model of Supply Chain Vulnerability

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    International audienceDuring the last decade, researchers and practitioners became more interested in the domain of vulnerability analysis. It is considered as a key element in defining and managing supply chain risks. The great complexity of a global supply chain and of its environment, coupled with managerial trends, makes such a chain more vulnerable to disruptive events. A clear understanding of the possible consequences generated of this combination is a fundamental step to build an effective risk management plan and strategies. However, more studies are needed in order to develop the understanding of supply chain vulnerability. This article provides an explorative framework in order to analyze and quantify vulnerability within supply chains. Based on the existent literature, this article explores the factors that affect the level of Supply Chain Vulnerability (SCV). Four key components of SCV are identified (i.e. Exposure, Sensitivity, Susceptibility and Preparedness level). Based on these four categories of SCV, a conceptual model is developed. Such a model enables the definition of clear metrics and can further be used by researchers and practitioners to build consistent quantification methodologies

    Smart city projects and improvement of public service supply chains

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    International audienceThe involvement in smart city initiatives is a key factor of changes in modern cities. It drives the integration of ICT, the development of collaborative behaviours, and the involvement of people in the life of the city. This paper is interested in the impact of such initiatives on the performance of public services and on the supply chains that provide these services. Based on the example of the Toulouse metropolis in France, it shows that smart city initiatives are becoming a vector for instilling continuous improvement in public services

    Mass customization and configuration: requirement analysis and constraint based modelling propositions

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    International audienceThe purpose of this paper is, on the one hand, to identify to define and classify customization requirements and, on the other hand, to evaluate how generic modeling and configuration assistance within the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) framework can fulfil the requirements. The aim is to provide commercial configurator knowledge base designers with constraint based generic modeling elements for customizable industrial product. A first part recalls the main trends of the configuration problem. In a second part divided in four sections corresponding with different requirement set; each section proposes a definition of the requirement set, some CSP based modeling elements and a discussion about adequacy of relevant configuration assistance techniques

    A Social Platform for Knowledge Gathering and Exploitation, Towards the Deduction of Inter-enterprise Collaborations

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    AbstractSeveral standards have been defined for enhancing the efficiency of B2B web-supported collaboration. However, they suffer from the lack of a general semantic representation, which leaves aside the promise of deducing automatically the inter-enterprise business processes. To achieve the automatic deduction, this paper presents a social platform, which aims at acquiring knowledge from users and linking the acquired knowledge with the one maintained on the platform. Based on this linkage, this platform aims at deducing automatically cross-organizational business processes (i.e. selection of partners and sequencing of their activities) to fulfill any opportunity of collaboration

    Une méthode orientée processus pour le pilotage par la performance des systèmes industriels

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    The methods to help defining performance indicators give prominence to three concepts in order to pilot performance: processes, decision centers, performance determinants. The DEEP approach based on entreprise modelling methods (GRAI, SADT/IDEF0) allows to integrate the best practices defined by these methods. Besides the indicators following through the results and determinants, three types of indicators are introduced: the relevance viewpoint measures the appropriateness of the resources available with the determinants of the activity. The effectiveness viewpoint evaluates with the determinants the feasibility of the aims assigned to the activity. The efficiency viewpoint measures the impact of determinants on the results of the activity. The implementation on the supply chain of an important pharmaceutical and cosmetic group is presented.Dans un contexte particulièrement instable et concurrentiel, les entreprises souhaitent rationaliser leurs organisations autour de processus fiables et directement opérationnels. Parallèlement, elles développent une culture de mesure et d'évaluation de performance comme base de l'aide à la décision. A la croisée de ces deux tendances, elles cherchent à piloter leur organisation grâce à ces processus qui induisent la performance. Nous montrerons que les méthodes d'aide à la définition de systèmes d'indicateurs de performance mobilisent 3 concepts afin de caractériser la performance : les processus , les centres de décision , les déterminants de la performance. Une démarche originale basée sur un cadre de modélisation d'entreprise permet d'intégrer ces concepts afin de fournir une architecture de pilotage, DEEP, reposant sur des éléments des méthodes GRAI et SADT. Pour permettre une identification ciblée des causes de (non-)performance d'un processus et faciliter la définition de plans d'amélioration continue, 3 types d'indicateurs sont introduits : le «point de vue pertinence» ; le « point de vue efficacité » ; le « point de vue efficience ». Une mise en application expérimentale sur la chaîne logistique d'un grand groupe pharmaceutique et cosmétique est présentée

    Configurateur et modeleur CAO : deux outils complémentaires pour l'aide à la conception de produits à forte diversité

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    International audienceCet article traite de la problématique d'aide à la conception de câblages automobiles. Ce produit est caractérisé par une grande diversité issue de la personnalisation des besoins ainsi que par un aspect géométrique important. Dans ce contexte, notre objectif est de définir progressivement le produit à partir de l'expression du besoin. Nous proposons alors une démarche de développement du câblage et les outils d'assistance appropriés. Notre démarche vise la réduction du cycle et des erreurs de conception et la maîtrise des coûts de production et de logistique. La mise en oeuvre d'une telle démarche se fait par l'exploitation des connaissances précédemment acquises. La prise en compte de la diversité du besoin s'effectue par une approche de configuration qui consiste à identifier une nomenclature du produit. Les aspects géométriques et d'agencement des composants nécessitent le couplage du configurateur avec un modeleur CAO. Nous montrons, dans notre cas, comment ces deux outils peuvent se compléter pour assister le concepteur. Mots clés Aide à la Conception, Modèles Produit, Configurateur, CSP, Outils CAO
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